Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Historie_Semesterbeitrag.pdf (externe Datei)


Grit Zakschewksi

phone: 0345 55-21318

Universität Halle
Abteilung 1, Immatrikulationsamt
06099 Halle (Saale)

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Re-registration and semester fee

Technical problems with Tuition Fees (06.02.2025)

Due to technical problems, the tuition fees for the summer semester 2025 can still not be booked. This affects all transfers made to Halle  University since 1 January 2025 for second degree fees, fees for students aged 60 and over and all degree programmes subject to fees (Konzertexamen, Denkmalpflege and Medizin-Ethik-Recht).

The technical problems with re-registration have now been largely resolved. Please check the Löwenportal to see if you can download your enrolment certificate. Transfer the semester fee promptly if you have not already done so. The extra fee for late re-registration is currently suspended.

We regularly inform all students about the current status on our website and by e-mail. Therefore please check our website regularly and make sure you check your student e-mail address.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Students who wish to continue their studies with the upcoming semester must actively re-register for this purpose before each semester:

  • for winter semester: from 20 June to 31 July
  • for summer semester: from 1 December to 31 January

The re-registration takes place if the semester fee has been received in full and on time and there are no reasons for de-registration. Students will receive a reminder email to their student email address. Failure to re-register will result in ex officio exmatriculation.

New students will be asked to pay the semester fee as part of their enrollment process. If the payment is not made within the deadline, the entitlement to a study place may expire.

Semester & total amount of feeCompilation
Summer semester 2024/25
278.75 Euro
90.00 Euro: Studentenwerk fee
176.40 Euro: Deutschlandsemesterticket
12.35 Euro: Studierendenschaft fee
Winter semester 2024/25
278.75 Euro
90.00 Euro: Studentenwerk fee
176.40 Euro: Deutschlandsemesterticket
12.35 Euro: Studierendenschaft fee

The easiest way to re-register is the online activation of the direct debit in Löwenportal.

Therefor we require a SEPA direct debit mandate as hard copy once in advance. The most convenient way to set it up is during enrolment – because then it already includes the payment of your very first semester fee. However, this only applies to the start of your studies and, hence, your first semester: the mandate is NOT an automatic standing direct debit. Participating students must activate the online re-registration with a transaction number (TAN) before each semester (see FAQ).

After your successful re-registration you can (and should) validate your USC for the upcoming semester.

Students can also instruct the payment manually instead. In this case, please note the transfer times of the banking institutions, as the date of posting on our account applies for the re-registration - not the date of transfer.

Empfänger:Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
IBAN:DE46 8100 0000 0081 0015 35
Bank:Deutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Magdeburg
(Sommersemester 2025)
Ihre Matrikelnummer.20251

Please do not use this account to transfer any tuition fees (second  degree; fee-based degree programmes). By the way: If your studies are  subject to fees, payment is also a prerequisite for successful  re-registration.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the difference between semester fees and tuition fees?
  2. Are all items of the semester contribution mandatory?
  3. How can I use the nationwide semester ticket that I have purchased with my semester fee?
  4. I am severely disabled. Can I be exempted from paying the semester fee?
  5. I have changed my health insurance. Is that relevant?
  6. What are the advantages of making the payment online via the „Löwenportal“?
  7. Who can use the online re-registration - and who cannot?
  8. How do I issue the SEPA direct debit mandate?
  9. My bank details have changed - what now?
  10. What happens if there are problems with the direct debit?
  11. I have missed the re-registration deadline. What now?
  12. I am finished with my studies and therefore simply do not re-register. Right?
  13. I would like to continue studying in Halle, but intend to change my subject/programme next semester. What applies in such cases?
  14. After completing my bachelor's degree, I want to continue directly with a master's programme. What do I have to consider?
  15. I have started a master's programme, but I still have to submit my bachelor's graduation certificate. Does this affect the re-registration for the second (master) semester?
  16. I have re-registered but do not want to continue studying after all. Can I apply for a refund?
  17. I have enrolled at Halle University, but will not start my studies after all. Will I get a refund of the semester fee?
  18. I am a secondary student. How do I re-register?
  19. I am studying in a postgraduate Master's programme - what different rules apply here?
  20. I need the semester fee amount from previous years for my tax return.
  21. On what legal basis is the information on this page based?

What is the difference between semester fees and tuition fees?

The terms semester fee and tuition fees are often lumped together or even confused, but they refer to different things:

Basically, studies are widely free of charge in Germany. Tuition fees are only charged in exceptional cases. For the ‚trappings‘ (e.g., the food offered in the dining halls, use of public transportation, or the services offered by the student council), students must pay the semester fee - regardless of actual use - on a solidarity basis.

Are all items of the semester contribution mandatory?

The contribution to the Studentenwerk and the share for the semester ticket are obligatory.

You can withdraw from the "Verfasste Studierendenschaft" - the solidarity community of students that finances the student council and its services - by notifying the Student Registration Office (after one semester at the earliest). You could then deduct this component of the semester fee from your payment.

You can also see the amount of the semester fee that applies to you individually in Löwenportal during the re-registration period.

There are special rules for enrollees in postgraduate programmes, see below.

If you can prove that you will be abroad for at least three months for study purposes, you can apply for a refund of the Deutschlandsemesterticket portion for the (entire) semester in question. Application deadline: 30.4. in the summer semester, 31.10. in the winter semester

How can I use the nationwide semester ticket that I have purchased with my semester fee?

Since summer semester 2024, you automatically purchase your nationwide Deutschlandsemesterticket when paying your semester fee. This ticket is NO LONGER stored on your student ID card, but is issued via an app from the local public transport operator HAVAG (> How it works   ).

I am severely disabled. Can I be exempted from paying the semester fee?

Partially! While the contribution for the Studentenwerk is always due, severely disabled persons are exempt from paying the semester ticket fee if they are entitled to free public transportation according to legal regulations (SGB IX) and can prove this to the Student Registration Office (severely disabled person's ID card with supplement and a valid token acquired at the Versorgungsamt).

I have changed my health insurance. Is that relevant?

Yes, indeed! We need (electronic) proof from your new health insurance immediately.

What are the advantages of making the payment online via the „Löwenportal“?

If you initiate the payment online via SEPA bank transfer, you avoid the usual careless mistakes (account data, reason for payment, amount). After entering the TAN, the re-registration is valid immediately, even if the debit is delayed for technical reasons. You can therefore validate your student ID for the next semester directly afterwards.

Who can use the online re-registration - and who cannot?

Almost all enrolled students can use the procedure. Unfortunately, online re-registration is not available in the following cases:

  • if tuition fees have to be paid in addition to the semester fee (fees for second degree studies, fees for individual degree programmes)
  • if Master's students have to submit their required first degree at a later date (= re-registration block for the second Master semester)
  • for participants of the preparatory college (Studienkolleg)
  • for exchange students and other students with the status "study without a degree“
  • if you have unprocessed applications for leave of absence or for a change of degree programme. Tip: Submit these applications after you have re-registered online.
  • for doctoral students, if you have not yet submitted a supervisor's declaration for the next semester
  • if problems are discovered with your health insurance
  • if you have been asked to submit a certified copy of your higher education entrance qualification as part of a random sample
  • for students in part-time studies after the two approved semesters

How do I issue the SEPA direct debit mandate?

Log in to your Löwenportal account! Future students will find this function during the application process (and by issuing the mandate, they allow us to collect the first semester fee at the same time, instead of transferring it manually).

Students who are already enrolled can also issue the mandate later (separate menu item). Send the printed PDF document, signed by the account holder, to the Student Registration Office. After processing, you will be notified by email and can use the online re-registration from then on.

The mandate is valid until your exmatriculation.

However, you do NOT issue a standing direct debit. You will therefore NOT be automatically re-registered for the following semester, but must do this yourself before each semester. However, all you need to do then is click a few buttons and enter a valid TAN (menu: Payment & Re-registration).

Still, you are not obliged to use the online function. You can continue to pay the semester fee manually.

My bank details have changed - what now?

In this case, we need a new mandate. First use the Revoke option in the Löwenportal (or Delete if you have never debited the mandate). You can then create a new mandate.

What happens if there are problems with the direct debit?

If the account details given are incorrect or the account is not covered, the direct debit cannot be executed. In this case, we will reverse the direct debit and additionally charge you the processing fee of your bank. In this case you will be notified by us in writing. At the same time, the mandate will become invalid. If you want to use the online re-registration again, you have to create a new mandate.

I have missed the re-registration deadline. What now?

In case of late re-registrations, a fee of 10.30 Euros applies. The possibility of late re-registration usually exists up to two weeks after the regular re-registration deadlines expired. You have also missed this deadline? Then contact us as soon as possible!

If you pay by TAN activation via Löwenportal (i.e.: participation in the direct debit procedure), the fee will be added automatically. In case of "manual" transfers, please add the late fee together with the semester fee.

Attention: Students in restricted (NC-)study programmes face the loss of their study place if they do not re-register on time. The study places of students who have not re-registered may be allocated to other applicants in the course of selection procedures for higher semesters.

I am finished with my studies and therefore simply do not re-register. Right?

Exactly. Please also note the information on the topic of exmatriculation.

I would like to continue studying in Halle, but intend to change my subject/programme next semester. What applies in such cases?

In whatever way your studies at our university continue (or should continue): Always re-register during the re-registration period.

After completing my bachelor's degree, I want to continue directly with a master's programme. What do I have to consider?

In these cases the semester fee must be transferred during the re-registration period, too. If your plans change or your master's application is unsuccessful, we will refund the money (see question after the next one).

I have started a master's programme, but I still have to submit my bachelor's graduation certificate. Does this affect the re-registration for the second (master) semester?

Yes. If you are only able to prove the prerequisite for the study programme at a later date, you will initially study "under reserve". Therefore, a re-registration blocking for the second semester applies. Even if you can already set up the direct debit mandate, payment by TAN is not yet available for this semester. You should transfer the semester fee manually within the re-registration period - and at the same time provide the bachelor's graduation certificate.

Exception: If you (have not obtained your bachelor's degree at our university and) are able to submit the graduation certificate well before the re-registration period expires, the blocking will be removed in time.

I have re-registered but do not want to continue studying after all. Can I apply for a refund?

If you have been exmatriculated duly, you could apply for a refund of the semester fee at Student Registration Office - at the latest by 31 October for winter semester and 30 April for summer semester. For this purpose, the bank details must be communicated again and the student ID (USC) should be returned.

I have enrolled at Halle University, but will not start my studies after all. Will I get a refund of the semester fee?

We will clarify this question on the topic page Returning your place of study.

I am a secondary student. How do I re-register?

Enrolled secondary students of the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and the Evangelische Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Halle are exempt from paying semester fees at our university. Re-registration takes place exclusively at the university where you are primarily enrolled. Additional re-registration with us is not necessary in these cases.

I am studying in a postgraduate Master's programme - what different rules apply here?

  • Since the organisational structure of postgraduate degree programmes only allows limited use of the services of the Studentenwerk, the Studentenwerk fee is reduced by 50 percent for students in these programmes. The fee for the semester ticket is waived.
  • This results in a contribution of 56.95 euros for the winter semester 2023/24 (or 45 euros after leaving the student body).
  • Because online re-registration is not possible in continuing education masters, the semester fee must be transferred manually.

I need the semester fee amount from previous years for my tax return.

We have compiled a historical overview (PDF) for this purpose.

On what legal basis is the information on this page based?
